Event Space : 2Madison Kemang Raya, Lantai 2 (BONUS ruang serbaguna Lantai 3)

Rp 3.375.000 Rp 4.500.000
SKU: WOR-MAD-0000007589

Bahasa :

Ingin membuat event untuk brand Anda?
Atau ingin membuat workshop, tetapi pusing mencari lokasi yang keren tapi affordable?
Gunakanlah space 2Madison Kemang Raya!

Harga sudah termasuk area event di lantai 2, dan bonus fasilitas ruang serbaguna yang cantik di lantai 3!

Rp 3.375.000 (8 jam)


- Pemakaian listrik maksimal 3000 W (di atas ini akan dikenakan biaya tambahan).
- Ruangan full AC.

- Area parkir outdoor.

- Sound system basic (standard 2madison).

- Mic (basic).

- Fasilitas Kursi (dapat disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan).

- Fasilitas Meja (dapat disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan dan persediaan).


- Fasilitas penggunaan ruangan maksimal 8 jam.

- Paket coffee break (light meals) untuk 20 orang, disediakan oleh 2madison Cafe, Jl Bangka Raya.

- Menu disajikan dalam sajian buffet atau lunch box (disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan).

- Harga sudah termasuk service, tapi belum termasuk pajak.


- Full Payment, and Non-Refundable.

- Akses loading in H-1 dan loading out H+1 selama di luar jam operasional.

- Jika ada kebutuhan dekorasi ruang memungkinkan, dengan ketentuan dan tambahan biaya yang dapat dibicarakan setelah reservasi.

- Seluruh area NON Smoking.


Want to host an event for your brand?
Perhaps have a workshop?  Have you gotten dizzy looking for a cool yet affordable location?
Use our 2Madison space in Kemang Raya!

The price includes the event area on the 2nd floor, and bonus facilities for a beautiful function room on the 3rd floor!

Rp 3.375.000 (8 hours)


- Maximum electricity consumption of 3000 W (above this will incur an additional fee). - Fully air-conditioned room.
- Outdoor parking area.
- Basic sound system (standard 2madison).
- Mic (basic).
- Seat Facilities (adjustable for needs).
- Table Facilities (adjustable for needs and supplies).


- Room usage facilities for a maximum of 8 hours.
- Coffee break package (light meals) for 20 people, provided by 2madison Cafe, Jl Bangka Raya.
- The menu is served in a buffet or lunch box (according to needs).
- Prices include service, but do not include tax.

NOTES (terms and conditions):

- Full Payment, and Non-Refundable.
- Access to loading in H-1 and loading out H+1 during outside operating hours.
- If there is a need for room decoration allows, with conditions and additional costs that can be discussed after the reservation.
- Entire area is NON Smoking.

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