Lonely Noise Land

Rp 85.000.000
SKU: ART-SON-0051408739

Tentang Karya :

Ukuran : 170 x 150 cm
Material : Acrylic, Paint Marker, Permanent Marker, Spray Paint on Canvas
Tahun : 2023

Suasana berwujud seperti di semak-semak keramaian penuh manusia saling mengintip dan sembunyi, saling mengawasi dan curiga. Ada gambar telapak tangan menengadah sebagai gambaran pasrah, berdoa, memohon bantuan dan berserah diri. Di ujung tangan ada sesuatu yg tumbuh seperti tunas harapan yg harus dijaga. Banyak pohon kaktus tergambar sebagai simbol sesuatu yg kuat, bisa tumbuh di area yg tandus tanpa kehidupan. Beberapa kepala tengkorak sebagai pengingat dan simbol kehidupan dan kematian yang tidak bisa dipindahkan. Guratan warna warni coretan kasar dan tumpukan warna menggambarkan masalah-masalah kehidupan di sekitar yg dirasakan justru jadi warna kehidupan disini..

Disini, sendiri di tanah penuh kekacauan dengan penuh ketegaran dan semangat hidup yg tersisa

The atmosphere of this painting is rich: The bushes and a crowd of people peeking and hiding at each other, watching each other, and being suspicious.
There is a picture of palms looking up as a symbol of surrender, prayer, asking for help, and surrender. A sprout of hope is growing at the tip of your hand, and it needs to be protected.
The many cactus trees symbolize something substantial, able to grow in barren areas devoid of life. Some skull heads serve as immovable reminders and symbols of life and death. Colorful streaks of rough scribbles and piles of colors depict the problems surrounding us as they become the color of life itself.

Here, alone in a land full of chaos, with all the courage and enthusiasm for life remaining.

Tentang Seniman :

R M. Soni Irawan, Ssn. , seniman asal Yogyakarta kelahiran 1975

Education : Visual Art Faculty, Fine Art Departement, Printmaking, Indonesian Art  Institute, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.



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