Event Space : 2madison Cafe Promenade 20, lantai 1 - Disc 20%
- Description
Ingin membuat event untuk keluarga, teman, atau brand Anda? Pusing mencari lokasi yang keren tapi affordable?
Gunakanlah space 2Madison! Anda tinggal memilih areanya, lantai 1 (Cozy-Artsy cafe style), lantai 2 (Unique open space), atau lantai 3 (Gallery style).
Lantai 1 (Cozy-Artsy Cafe Style)
Harga promo hanya berlaku untuk bulan Desember 2023 & Januari 2024
> Senin - Jum'at
Harga normal : Rp 7.500.000 (per hari)
Harga diskon : Rp 6.000.000 (per hari)
> Sabtu - Minggu
Harga normal : Rp 12.500.000 (per hari)
Harga diskon : Rp 10.000.000 (per hari)
- Pemakaian listrik maksimal 5000 W (di atas ini akan dikenakan biaya tambahan).
- Ruangan full AC.
- Kapasitas ruangan maksimal 40 pax.
- Area parkir luas basement dan outdoor.
- Sound system basic (standard 2madison).
- Mic (basic)
- Fasilitas Kursi (dapat disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan).
- Fasilitas Meja (dapat disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan dan persediaan).
- For free konsultasi dengan tim untuk layout dan tata letak.
- Fasilitas penggunaan ruangan maksimal 12 jam/hari.
- Free coffe break (coffe & tea) untuk 25 pax.
- Free finger food (dapat pilih 3 menu) untuk 25pax.
- Menu disajikan dalam format prasmanan / buffet - style.
- Harga sudah termasuk service.
- Harga belum termasuk tax.
CATATAN (terms and condition) :
- Full Payment and Non-Refundable.
- Akses loading in H-1 dan loading out H+1 selama di luar jam operasional.
- Jika ada kebutuhan dekorasi ruang memungkinkan, dengan ketentuan dan tambahan biaya yang dapat dibicarakan setelah reservasi.
- Seluruh area NON-Smoking.
- Ruangan harus dikembalikan seperti semula.
- Tidak bisa merubah tanggal booking (kecuali tanggal yang dipilih masih available).
Want to host an event for your family, friends or brand? Have you gotten dizzy looking for a cool yet affordable location?
Use a 2Madison space! You just have to choose an area, 1st floor (Cozy-Artsy cafe style), 2nd floor (Unique open space), or 3rd floor (Gallery style).
1st Floor (Cozy-Artsy Cafe Style)
Promo prices are only valid for December 2023 & January 2024
> Monday - Friday
Normal price : Rp 7.500.000 (per day)
Diskon price : Rp 6.000.000 (per day)
> Saturday - Sunday
Normal price : Rp 12.500.000 (per day)
Diskon price : Rp 10.000.000 (per day)
- Maximum electricity consumption of 5000 W (anything above this will incur an additional fee).
- Fully air-conditioned room.
- Maximum room capacity is 40 pax.
- Spacious basement and outdoor parking area.
- Basic sound system (standard 2madison).
- Mic (basic)
- Seat Facilities (adjustable for needs).
- Table Facilities (adjustable for needs and supplies).
- Free consultation with our team for layouts and layouts.
- Maximum use of room facilities 12 hours/day.
- Free coffee break (coffee & tea) for 25 pax.
- Free finger food (can choose 3 menus) for 25pax.
- The menu is presented in a buffet style format.
- Prices include service.
- Prices do not include tax.
NOTES (terms and conditions):
- Full Payment and Non-Refundable.
- Access to loading in H-1 and loading out H+1 during outside operating hours.
- If there is a need for room decoration allows, with conditions and additional costs that can be discussed after the reservation.
- Entire area is NON-Smoking.
- The room must be returned to the way it was.
- Cannot change the booking date (unless the selected date is still available).
Free 30 Days Returns
Free shipping on orders over $100
Event Space : 2madison Cafe Promenade 20, lantai 1 - Disc 20%
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