Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara

Rp 24.000.000
SKU: ART-REY-0078359255

Tentang Karya :

Artist : Reydo Respati

Artikel : Persiapan "Reydo Respati" 2Madison Gallery x Art Jakarta 2024

Size : 109 x79 cm
Material : Mix Media On Paper 2024

‘'Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara' in Vedic teachings means 'Speak the Truth, Do Virtue'. Various interwoven objects and texts were borrowed and interpreted by artists from biblical treasures, Hindu teachings, to Greek mythology using 'primitive' expressions inspired by the visual culture of early civilization. The sword symbolizes strength and courage in upholding the truth. The ox is a symbol of the 'mother who gives life' in Hinduism, while the horse is an animal that played a role in the spread of culture in the past. This combination becomes a complex picture of our identities, influenced and influenced by each other; This means that tolerance should be our daily perspective and behavior. The courage to think and do the right thing is a logical choice and must be fought for.

Tentang Seniman :

Reydo Respati (b.1989) adalah seorang dosen dan visual artist yang berdomisil di
Jakarta. Memperoleh gelar magister desain dari Institut Tekologi Bandung. Karya-
karyanya merupakan eksplorasi elemen dasar rupa dan cara ungkap bahasa visual
merespon isu keseharian dengan pendekatan ekspresif. Sejak 2015 telah
berpatisipasi diberbagai pameran baik sebagai kolektif maupun individu. Melalui
karya visual Reydo menemukan ruang dan waktu untuk berkontemplasi memahami
 diri dan sekitarnya. Bagi Reydo seni menjadi medium untuk mengembangkan
potensi diri, mengasah kepekaan, dan mempererat interaksi sosial.

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