
Rp 6.000.000
SKU: ART-NDF-0003449111

Tentang Karya :

Ukuran : 56 x 76 cm
Media : Watercolor, Gouache, Graphite On Paper


Di tengah formasi platform berbatu yang berkelok-kelok, sebuah sosok monolitik berdiri tegak. Tidak jelas apakah hal ini membangun atau merusak jalur yang telah ada sebelumnya. Saya sendiri tidak terlalu yakin, tetapi jalannya nampak tidak terlalu penting, karena sosok tersebut berdiri tanpa dukungan apa pun, dan hanya membawa bebannnya sendiri.

Tentang Seniman :

Nadhief Ashr adalah seorang seniman yang tinggal di Jakarta dan saat ini sedang mengambil jurusan Seni Rupa di Institut Kesenian Jakarta. Nadhief banyak menggunakan cat air dan gambar sebagai media ekspresi.


Amidst the meandering formation of rocky platforms, a monolithic figure stands suspended. It is unclear whether it's constructing or breaking the path that lies before it. I'm not entirely sure, but the path seems to hold little importance to it, as the figure exists independently of any support, carrying its own weight.

About artist :

Nadhief Ashr is an artist based in Jakarta and is currently majoring in Fine Arts at the Jakarta Arts Institute. Nadhief often uses watercolors and drawings as mediums of expression.

Exhibition :
• “Playground Exhibitions” by Galeri Saku
• “Moon Sign” at Museum Basuki Abdullah
• “Escapism” by Galeri Saku at Kukira Coffee & Art Space
• “JACARTRA” at Pos Bloc
• “Interplay Exhibitions” by The Alchemical Art

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